Allen County Jr. Fair Swine Show will be partially terminal. The deadline for declaring a non-terminal animal will be August 1st. If not declared by August 1st, the projects will be considered terminal. An animals’ declaration cannot be changed unless it is chosen as grand or reserve champion per ODA guidelines or under the guidance of the fair veterinarian. An email will also be sent out mid July with link to declare non-terminal hogs. Load out of non-terminal hogs will be Tuesday night from 7pm-9pm. If the animal is still here when the packer loads out the hogs, the non-terminal will load out with all the hogs.
All carcass rules apply to the show. Failure to complete non-terminal link will result in animal being sent to the packer.
In order to go through the Livestock Auction the Jr. Fair Exhibitor must be at least one hog go to the packer. If all projects are
non-terminal, the exhibitor will not go through the auction.
Sorry, the deadline has passed.