Interested in Becoming a New 4-H Volunteer? The application process must be started before April 1, 2024.
Each year, thousands of volunteers contribute their time, energies, and talents that enable Ohio State University Extension to engage people in educational programs that meet their immediate needs.
All individuals who are interested in volunteering with Ohio State University Extension and working with a member of a vulnerable population (minors, elderly over age 65, or individuals with disabilities) must complete a selection process under the direction of an Extension professional.
To more efficiently and effectively support our service recipients, Ohio State University Extension has a policy concerning the selection of individuals who desire to volunteer for the organization in a long-term and/or higher risk position. While the actual order of implementation may vary from county to county, all potential volunteers will:
1) receive a position description
(2) complete an application and return to Extension office
(3) have references collected by Extension professionals
(4) complete an interview
(5) submit to a criminal history fingerprint record check
(6) agree to and sign the volunteer standards of behavior form
(7) participate in an orientation/training program.
Please know that all information related to the selection process may be updated periodically and will be kept in a secured file cabinet. This information will be kept on file for a minimum of three years following the receipt of your materials or the completion of your involvement as an Ohio State University Extension volunteer (whichever is longest). The release of information will follow The Ohio State University and Ohio State University Extension operating procedures and will be in accordance with Ohio law.
Working with individuals in your community can bring you immense satisfaction as you help them grow, learn, develop, and succeed. Additionally, volunteering provides you an opportunity to gain new skills, help others, and meet new friends. We hope that you recognize the tremendous benefits of volunteering and will join us in helping ensure that everyone involved has a positive, educational experience. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to potentially working with you.
Please CLICK HERE to start the application process.
4-H Volunteer Job Description
Position Title: 4-H Volunteer
General Purpose: Support and work in partnership with 4-H professionals, extension staff, volunteers and members in conducting meaningful educational experiences and developing youth members’ life skills to reach their fullest potential. Serve in a leadership role providing overall club management.
Time Required: On-going and dependent on county needs, normally includes one hour of program planning per hour of club activity.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Serve as the primary liaison between 4-H professionals, extension staff, volunteers, members and families
-Maintain and promote communication with all club volunteers, members, and families -Secure, complete, and submit club organization/enrollment materials to the county Extension office by the posted deadline
-Provide county Extension office with all requested materials related to the 4-H club
-Ensure adequate supervision at all club functions
-Involve members in developing club programs, including project work, community service, social events and participation in county, regional and state 4-H events
- Assist officers to learn their responsibilities
- Welcome parent/guardian interest, ideas, support, and attendance at club activities
-Follow all OSU Extension and Ohio 4-H Youth Development policies and procedures and Recruit new members when the club has openings
- Attend all (or most) of the club meetings and activities
-Read Ohio 4-H news and access information from the Ohio 4-H website to keep members informed of opportunities
-Participate in volunteer development opportunities to stay current and enhance leadership skills
-Inform members/parents of 4-H guidelines and requirements
-Provide positive and constructive feedback to members and parents/guardians
Qualifications & Expectations:
-Work with volunteers and 4-H professionals to teach and motivate youth, while nurturing positive self-esteem, decision making, responsibility, and leadership
-Be dedicated to youth and sensitive to their abilities and needs
-Effectively organize, delegate, and communicate with the other club volunteers
-Work with minimal supervision from professional staff
-Become familiar with and work within the philosophy and guidelines of OSU Extension, Ohio 4-H Program and the county 4-H program
Ohio State University Extension Will:
-Provide training opportunities to assist volunteers to meet needs of members and families
-Provide access to educational materials and resources
-Have professional staff available to consult with and listen to volunteers
-Provide recognition to volunteers
Mentor/Supervising Professionals: -County Extension 4-H Youth Development Professional(s)
Click here to download the Volunteer Application Form
Click here to download the Standards of Behavior Form
Click here to download the Mandatory Fingerprinting information