Quick Tips for Successful 4-H Enrollment

Ready to enroll?  Visit http://v2.4honline.com

Need some additional enrollment help? Check out these additional resources:


  •    Enrollment Help Video for New 4-H Families (see below)



FAQ – Frequently asked 4-H Online Enrollment Questions

Q: I forgot my password, how can I get it?

A: On the login page, click on “Reset Password.”

Q: I forgot the e-mail address that I used, how can I get it?

A:   Email Kelly at coble.19@osu.edu 

Q: I was given/e-mailed a password but when I typed it in, it did not work?

A: Because of the sensitivity of the passwords it is recommended that you “cut and paste” the password into the password field. Then once you are logged into the system, you can reset it to something that you will remember as long as it has a minimum of 8 characters and includes letters, plus numbers and/or symbols.

Q: I completed my profile over a week ago and it is still pending, what do I do?

A: Email Kelly at coble.19@osu.edu