May. 18, 2021
We are currently accepting applications for Cloverbud Day Camp held on July 14th from 9 am to 4 pm for ages K - 2nd grade. The cost of day camp is $20.00 and will be held at the Allen Co. Fairgrounds. Please call the office for more information. 419-879-9108. Click here for Registration Form and Click here for Medical Form.
May. 14, 2021
It is time to make online entries for all your 4-H projects that you will be bringing to the fair. Be sure to read the Allen Co. Jr. Fair Handbook for fair rules and information. The deadline is July 1st.
Click here for Allen Co. Fair Entries.
Apr. 20, 2021
We are very excited to be able to have camp this year! Please be patient as we are figuring out how camp will run for 2021, it will look different, but it will still be fun! Mark your calendars now!
Apr. 13, 2021
Click HERE for the link to sign up for Quality Assurance. All livestock exhibitors (except horses and dogs) must attend a virtual Quality Assurance meeting. Quality Assurance will NOT be offered in the clubs this year and is an ODA requirement to be able to show at the Allen Co. Fair. If you are an Ohio State Fair exhibitor you must sign up for either date in May to quality for state fair. After signing up for a time and date, you will receive more information and a Zoom link closer to time.
Feb. 23, 2021
Ready to enroll? Visit http://v2.4honline.com
Need some additional enrollment help? Check out these additional resources:
Jan. 04, 2021
Do you still need pesticide recertification for 2020 or 2021? Private and fertilizer applicators whose licenses expired in March 2020 or will expire in March 2021 now have until July 1, 2021 to recertify. Commercial applicators who expired in 2020 now have until July 1, 2021. The deadline for commercial applicators expiring in September 2021 has not changed.
Pesticide recertification options have expanded for 2021. Please note that there will be additional programs in neighboring counties as well. Currently, your options for 2021 are:
Sep. 01, 2020
Click HERE for the complete list of auction buyers. Please drop off thank you cards to the Extension Office or send proof via email. Updated 9/8/2020
Aug. 03, 2020
Click on the links below to view each departments classes and information
Carcass Contest Results
Auction Sale Bill *salebill has been sent to printers, no corrections will be made on printed copies*
Breeding Rabbit Show Order 8/26/2020
Jun. 22, 2020
Click here to see a judging details and sign up links for shooting sports, special interest, livestock interviews and cloverbud show and tell
Apr. 14, 2020
During this time of virtual 4-H experiences, 4-H families in Allen County have been hard at work sharing their knowledge and experience with their projects. Below are a list of video links that may be helpful to you in choosing a project!
Poultry Projects-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoJ0jWD9Y0c&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0pSpC1B_rxBytV8UytvEcwdhEx6-zFaTj_HyjNJu2eT5MZmknMfjZluM4