Dec. 15, 2022
We will be offering pesticide and fertilizer recertification class on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at the Allen County Fairgrounds. This class is for only license renewal. We will only be covering categories 1, 2, 3, and 6. Please call our office to reserve your spot or if you have any questions.
The Cost:
Fertilizer Certification from 8:30 am to 9:30 am is $10.00
Pesticide Certification from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm is $35.00
Total for both classes is $45.00
Please RSVP at 419-879-9108 to reserve your spot.
Sep. 08, 2022
Carcass Show Awards
Carcass Show Awards along with checks are available in the Allen Co Extension Office from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm M-F.
Carcass Checks for Livestock
Carcass or packer checks will be available for pick up starting Monday, September 12th at the Allen Co Fair Administration Office. You must have the Exhibitor's Fair ID to pick up the check. Office hours are M-F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Aug. 30, 2022
The buyers list is available from the Jr. Fair Livestock Auction. The list is alphabetical by club. Please make sure that you thank ALL of your buyers. To recieve your premium auction check you must provide proof that you have sent a thank you to all the buyers. You may take pictures of your cards and submit them to coble.19@osu.edu or drop them off at the Jr. Fair office. They must be stamped and addressed! Premium checks from the auction will be available when all of your buyers have paid in full.
Aug. 08, 2022
Click HERE to access the DUNF.
All market animals must complete an online DUNF prior to weigh in or at weigh in. DUNF are a requirement of the ODA to exhibit a market animal.
Market Poultry Exhibitors click HERE first. This is the list of leg band numbers that are assigned to each exhibitor. You will need the leg band numbers in order to complete the DUNF.
Jul. 18, 2022
Make Up Special Interest Judging and regular Welding, Woodworking, and Gardening judging will be held on August 18th from 1pm to 5 pm.
Sign Up times have been posted for Make Up Special Interest Judging. Click HERE to schedule a time.
May. 27, 2022
Sign up times for Special Interest Judging on July 18th, Livestock Interterviews on August 13th, and Cloverbud Show and Tell on August 17th have been added. Click HERE for more information and the sign up links.
May. 23, 2022
Click HERE for the 2022 4-H Summer Newsletter. This contains information on 4-H Camp, Quality Assurance, Special Interest Judging, Livestock Interviews, Cloverbud Day Camp, Pullorum testing for Turkeys, and much more. Be sure you check it out!
May. 05, 2022
Jr. Fair and Department Royalty applications are due by June 15th. Please turn your applications into the Allen Co Extension Office. If you have questions please call 419-879-9108.
Click HERE for Jr. Fair Royalty and click HERE for Department Royalty applications.
Apr. 07, 2022
We have been receiving many questions about poultry projects for the fair. At this time, we are operating as normal, and no changes have been made. It is hoped that enhanced biosecurity practices will help prevent the spread. However, if Avian Influenza (HPAI) should spread, decisions could be made by the Ohio Department of Agriculture to safeguard Ohio's sizable poultry industry. Our advice to 4-H families is to be sure they follow biosecurity best practices, and consider enrolling in additional projects if they are only enrolled in poultry projects.
Mar. 28, 2022
Allen County will continue for 2022 to offer Quality Assurance via Zoom in 2022. All youth who which to complete a livestock project for 4-H or FFA are required by Ohio law to complete this training before exhibition.
Who needs Quality Assurance: